Ayama Yoga - 2 hour 7 min / Advanced Practice
This longer and more advanced sequence requires more stamina and skill, designed to satisfy the cravings of more advanced practitioners. This modular sequence is intended to be practiced sequentially and from beginning to end, however the student may decide to stop at the end of any of the segments. This 2 hour sequence includes:
• Warm-ups
• Level 1
• Level 2
• Level 3
• Level 4
• Relaxation
Ayama Yoga is a method to practice Hatha Yoga founded and developed by Mariano Ardissone (Mano). It is based on a practice that is holistic, intelligent, creative, therapeutic, balanced and complete. The theory and the practical application of the principles applied in these sequences are taught during Mano's Teacher Training programs.
This featured presentation of the method intends to empower the student to a guided and self-motivated practice. Three sequences of different lengths and levels of difficulty allow a safe, gradual, and effective way to progress from a basic to a more advanced level.
The student should first complete and then practice the Beginner's sequence at least 30 times. Then the student should first complete and then practice the Intermediate sequence at least 30 times. Finally the student should work to complete and then practice the Advanced sequence also at least 30 times.
After completing either each level sequence or all 3 levels of the method, the student may contact Mano to assess and determine further instruction at [email protected].
Mano is also available for individual assessments and consultations, in the event of any preexisting condition, to answer specific questions about the practice, and and to provide guidance regarding health matters or spiritual concerns.
Ayama Yoga Method - Warm-ups
Ayama Yoga Method - Level 1
Ayama Yoga Method - Level 2
Ayama Yoga Method - Level 3
Ayama Yoga Method - Level 4
Yoga with Mano - Savasana (relaxation)